Friday, August 23, 2013

Our ever changing skin

I have some products that I want to share for various reasons.  I had acne as a teen (total bummer)!  I tried everything, from many different facial washes & cleansers, to rubbing alcohol, to facial masks, to lava soap,  to no avail!!  I suffered (alongside many other hormonal teens) in agony.  It was so embarrassing for me to have to try and hide those hideous zits!!!  I mean, I broke out at 'that time of the month' worse, but seemed to be broke out all the time.

I remember trying things you have around the house like, brewed tea as a astringent, or honey and yogurt as a mask, or hanging my head over the sink full of steaming hot water with a towel as an enclosure to 'open the pores'........Nothing!  I think I tried everything out there, the problem was, I tried them all at the same time! So, probably just mixing these product chemicals was irritating enough without the hormonal disturbances!!  I finally started using one line, Bonnie Bell, 10-0-6. My skin didn't clear up over night but it greatly improved!!  I used it for a while, then moved on the Mary Kay. (I used MK for a while, then found some other stuff for cheaper)

So the skin was clear for some 10 years or more, until I hit my thirties!  BAM, again, hormonal adult acne.   This time around it was different, stubborn and mostly around my chin area.  Again I tried everything, but finally stumbled onto Clearasil, it worked beautifully!!  (I think a teenager actually told me to try it)  I used it through my thirties until the acne got to be less and less. Clearasil Stayclear Daily Facial Scrub

Now I'm well into my forties and the acne is pretty much gone (thank God), and just have an occasional occurrence.  But I now have a teenage daughter who is experiencing the same thing I did when I was her age, except hers isn't nearly as bad as mine was. (another 'thank God').
She has tried many different products until I heard that Ten-O-Six was back on the market.
(10-0-6 was discontinued in 1998, but has been relaunched as "Ten-O-Six")  
She loves it and two great things about it are:
a. it's cheap  ($5.99)
b. it's available at Ulta or online  ( we live close to an Ulta store)   **check snip snap for coupons

I love that my daughter is using the same stuff I used (they did change the formula a bit) back in the day.  And, that I had the experience to help her find the right stuff.     Hopefully she won't suffer with adult acne like I did, but if so I will be there to help her find the right product.   You don't have to use high end products to have beautiful skin, just find one line for your cleanser, astringent, moisturizer & night cream.  That way it keeps the chemicals working together not against each other.   I  believe in taking good care of the skin on your face starting at a young age.  If you take care of it when you are young it will look great for you when you are old(er).    It's never too late to start!!!  Begin with some cleanser, day moisturizer and a decent night cream. - I use Olay cleanser, (age defying daily renewal) Olay Complete all day moistureizer & Olay- Regenerist, or  Roc- Multi Correction Lift.   Both are great night creams!!!

I am not getting paid to 'advertise' these products, just wanting to share with you what has worked for me!!
Me.....No make-up.  (kinda scary, baring my soul, but fairly clear skin)  age 46

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