Thursday, August 1, 2013

Tag, red rover and gilligan's island

With summer winding down to an end, we try to squeeze in everything that we still haven't done, you know swimming one (or two) more times, go to the movies in the middle of the afternoon, going to the lake, hanging out with friends till midnight (or later) and the Best part of summer- sleeping in!!!!!  Oh, there are lots of other things we do, alot of nothing, sitting around on our ipads, iphones, itouch, laptops, wii's, kindle's, playstations, xbox, etc......

'Back in the day' when I was a kid, we did a lot of nothing.  When I say nothing- I mean nothing!!!  I mean, sitting around watching Popeye, Gilligan's Island, and Tom and Jerry reruns, there were no channels made just for kids. We didn't have cell phones for texting, we had paper notes for passing.  We played our albums and records that we payed for, not downloaded for free. We made up dances for the locals to come and watch for a fee of .50 cents.  We played tag, and hide-n-go seek in the dark.  Red rover and chicken fights, and searching for four leaf clovers occurred everyday somewhere in the neighborhood.  We had kool-aid stands, toy and bakes sales and searched couch cushions to go buy some candy. We had numerous sleep overs.  We walked or rode our bikes everywhere!!  My brother once walked to the firecracker stand 3 times in one day that was at least two miles away.  We played!!!  We used our imaginations, we sat a lot and talked, just talked.....about boys, songs, told secrets, and listened. 
Come to think of it, we did do a lot 'back in the day'.  We found healthy ways of staying busy.  At the time it seemed like a lot of nothing, but I kinda miss those days of being lazy.

Enjoy your summer, what you have left of it.....and most important~ make memories!!!!

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